My girlfriend and I at the Subway Series!

Thursday, December 11, 2014
I really liked your lecture when you constructed the timeline of literature with romanticism to the post modern era. I like the quote you said, that literature is a product of its time period. This gave me great insight of how some poets lived back then and that some of them were way ahead of their times. This really fascinated me and I thank you for this learning experience.
Pub #5
In the equations of love all possibilities
are endless and logical. I choose two
poems from the Love Album, “To My Dear and Loving Husband by Anne Bradstreet,
and “Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone” by W.H. Auden. Also I have two
poems of my own, “The Colors of Love”, and “The Two II’s of Beauty, I will
compare these four poems with each other. The theme of unconditional love is portrayed
in Anne Bradstreet’s poem, To My dear and Loving Husband” and also in my poem “The
Two II’s of Beauty”. The theme in my other poem, The Colors of Love, is the
same as W.H Auden’s poem “Stop the clocks, cut off the telephone”, it is the loneliness.
In Anne Bradstreet’s poem unconditional love
is the theme that is portrayed in this, as well as in my poem, “The Two II’s of
beauty. In Bradstreet’s poem she is expressing her love, because to her it is
as precious of gold and no river can quench her thirst. Her husband is not
compared to anyone else, no one can replace him. In my poem, there is a girl I used
to like very much, I thought I would be with her someday. This never happened,
but I did have strong feelings of love towards her, I used to spend a lot of time
with her in college. I described her hair, her favorite color, aspirations that
could have happened if she would have taken a leap of faith with me.
tone of the poems are gentle and smooth in nature. The mood that they create is
flowing very delicately like a river that feeds an ocean. In Bradstreet’s poem
she says, “The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray. Then while we live, in
love let’s persevere, that when we live no more we may live ever.” (Bradstreet
pg. 471) She is showing us that love can
conquer mountains and ever after death love lives on forever.
the poem, “Stop all the clocks, cut the telephone”, and also in my poem “The
Colors of Love”, the theme of loneliness is running rampart. It is like the
world ended for this author when he or she wrote this piece. In the poem he
wanted the dogs to stop barking, silence al the pianos, and bring out the
coffin and let everyone mourn. “The stars are not wanted now, put out every
one, pack up the moon and dismantle the sun.” (Auden pg. 470) This is really a
depressing poem and it is showing the loneliness of this author. In my poem my
heart is separated in two, because I like two different girls. In the end I don’t
get to go out with either one and this made me very lonely. In my poem I say, “Without
the one, my days are gray.” I am very heartbroken because I don’t have a girl
to love and this caused me to be very depressed.
tone of Auden’s poem and my poem, “The Colors of Love” was the same with
depression and loneliness. I am so glad I met the right girl, because back when
I wrote this poem I was lost without a paddle. My life wasn’t going anywhere,
my current girlfriend turned my life around. I thank god I have her in my life.
Auden has the world coming to an end in the poem, with everything be destroyed
or turned off. His love is gone and never coming back, this is what I believe
the author is wrote about.
“The Colors of Love”
in a days time,
viberance glowing shades of lime.
felt before, one who knows,
exist, but holding it back it won’t grow.
for the color, so bright as the sun,
as fur, my heart is torn.
ways, on two roads separate my heart,
one will it be,
only the one who knows.
to start, two tone surrounds my day.
it was forever
the one, my days are gray.
can be as small as a white baby dove
it close your love won’t budge,
she will show.
“The two II’s of Beauty”
is found in yellow,
dreams will come tomorrow.
for a feeling,
love is what your seeking,
is believing.
bright your two II’s bright delight.
and brown brought together,
systematic with delicate feathers.
of joy, truth, and fate,
go is never too late.
your mind, heart , and soul,
King and Queen we’ll make this gold.
at me what do you see,
truths will set you free.
is the practice of pursuing ideals that are usually unrealistic. Nathaniel
Hawthorne and others saw the human spirit cannot only be filled with happiness
and peace if it is very connected to nature. In the “Birthmark” is very ironic
that Aylmer with all of his intellectual and spiritual qualities, he does not
possess the wisdom and therefore he will die without happiness.
was trying to show us in the story that when you are trying to get close to
perfection, you will fail at it tremendously. What is given to you from birth
is beautiful and it should not be altered, but this unfortunately was ironic in
the end. Aylmer was not happy with his wife Georgina because of her birthmark
and he wanted it removed. He at all cost tried to find a way to get rid of it
and this caused his wife to go into a state of depression. He eventually made a
potion that could help remove her birthmark but as soon as she took it her
health got worse. As the birthmark started to disappearance, so did her life as
it began to slip away.
as the world sees it today is obscured by social media, with woman at the
forefront of this idealist society. With every advertisement people are viewed
as what the world is wants them to be and not what they really are. Photoshop
is an example of the way models are changed to look the way magazine’s editors
want them to be seen as. The ideal female is tan, slender, with no unsightly
bumps, bulges or cellulite and with hours of haircare and makeup. This goes
against transcendentalism because this is not true beauty through the eyes of
the beholder and it is not realistic. This is degrading to woman because in
return woman are trying to complete with this unrealistic image that
advertisers are conveying. So low and behold this is the world we live in, and
until society changes their views of what is really beautiful then we are
subjected to this form of idealism.
Pub #1
In a Streetcar named Desire, delusion and
reality comes full circle with Blanche losing her self-image and Stanley doing
what’s best for everyone. Blanche has lost her grasp of reality and she thinks
Mitch is her meal ticket. Her reputation from the past places obstacles in her
way and the truth comes out through Stanley’s confession of Blanches actions.
“You should just know the line she’s been feeding to Mitch. He thought she had
never been more than kissed by a fellow! But sister Blanche is no lily! Ha-Ha!
Some lily she is! (Williams pg. 1213) The truth always finds a way to the
surface. You cannot hide behind false facades and expect people to believe a
web of lies. This will not go on forever in essence life without truth is like
a body without a soul.
In the field of psychology Carl Rogers has
a theory that revolves around self-image. “Rogers’s theory emphasizes the self,
a flexible and changing perception of personal identity. Much behavior can be
understood as an attempt to maintain consistency between our self-image and our
actions. Information or feeling inconsistent with the self-image are said to be
incongruent. Thus a person who thinks she is kind but really isn’t is in a
state of incongruence. Experiences seriously incongruent with the self-image
can be threatening and are often distorted or denied conscious recognition.
Blocking, denying or distorting experiences prevents the self from changing
this creates the gap between the self-image and reality. (Ryckman 2013) Blanche
got what she deserved in the end, which is isolation from her fantasy world.
She was put into a mental facility where she cannot fool anyone with her
deceitful ways.
According to Carl Rogers, incongruence
occurs when there is a mismatch between ant of these three entities the ideal
self (the person you would like to be); your self-image (the person you think
you are) and the true self (the person you actually are). Self-esteem suffers
when there is a large difference between one’s ideal self and self-image.
Anxiety and defensiveness are common when the self-image does not match the
true self.
I’ve been on to you from the start! Not
once did you pull any wool over this boys eyes! You came in here and sprinkle
the place with powder and spray perfume and cover the light bulb with a paper
lantern, and lo and behold the place has turned into Egypt and you are the
green of the Nile! Sitting on your thrown and swilling down my liquor! I
say-Ha!-Ha! Do you hear me! Ha-Ha-Ha! (Williams pg. 1229) Stanley stayed to his
true self and never let Blanche deceive him. I give Stanley a lot of credit for
doing what was right for him and Stella. Placing Blanche in the mental hospital
was the only way to get rid of her and to put his house back in order.
Silence is not Golden
Silence is like a dark slow death for some
people that you cannot escape like prison of the mind. How would you like to
not be able to speak and to suffer silently? This is what happens to
individuals who are not loved by others. Simon and Garfunkel once said in the
song, the sound of silence “people talking without speaking, people hearing
without listening, people writing songs that voices never shared and no one
dared disturb the sound of silence.”(Simon and Garfunkel 1965) Suffering
internally is like a cancer that plagues the mind and it destroys a person’s
ability to grow intellectually and emotionally. Silent suffering is what
occurred in the story, The Yellow Wallpaper and also in The Hills like White
Elephants. Silence in itself is against what human nature and it becomes like a
splinter in your mind driving you mad. Self-expression is taking in both
stories and I will use the theme of silence to express this deeper.
The woman in The Yellow Wallpaper
was suffering from not being able to express herself to society, and there
comes John, and I must put this away, he hates to have me write a word.”
(Gillman pg. 317) This is dehumanization from silence of a person. To cut a
person from human interaction is demoralizing and to me it destroys their right
to be free. This is a saddening thing to do to a person because it rips apart
their right to think and express themselves socially and critically. This is
what happened to many women during this time when the Rest Cure was used to
help woman who were suffering for nervous conditions. I feel this would not
help a person by feeding them and not letting them exercise. The wallpaper is
very ironic, and is used in a way to describe herself.
John treats her like a child and not
like his wife. “What is it little girl? Don’t go walking about like that you’ll
get cold.” She was only to feel better by walking and she wished he would take
her away. This is disrespectful to his wife, and I think he is treating her
like a patient instead of his spouse. Then he says, “Bless her little heart!
She shall be as sick as he pleases! But he lets improve the shining hours by
going to sleep and talk about it in the morning.”(Gillman pg.) It looks like he
doesn’t care if she gets better. He also thinks she is causing herself to
become more ill. He is not showing any love towards her at all.
In, the Hills Like White Elephants,
the girl in the story is suffering silently. “I know you wouldn’t mind it, Jig.
It’s really not anything. It’s just to let them be.”(Hemingway pg.115) This is
not just a simple procedure, back then an abortion made a woman baron. Nowadays
abortions don’t cause a woman to be baron and the technology was not as
advanced as it is today. “Then I’ll do it because I do care about me.”
(Hemingway pg 116) she is starting to feel depressed and not appreciated. She
would be killing a human being by doing this and I feel she is getting second
thoughts. “We can have the whole world. No we can’t it isn’t ours anymore. It’s
ours. No it isn’t and once they take it away, you never get it back. But they
haven’t taken it away. We’ll wait and see.” (Hemingway pg. 116) She is feeling
very scared about having the abortion and when it is finished she will never be
able to have a child again. “What did she say asked the girl that train is
coming in five minutes? The girl smiled slightly at the woman, to thank her.”
(Hemingway pg. 116)
“Do you feel better?” he asked. I
feel fine she said. There’s nothing wrong with me I feel fine.” (Hemingway
pg117) In the last quote she was feeling better when they stopped talking
because she was fed up with talking about the abortion. Next she is appearing
to be fine, but in reality she is still suffering because she is feeling guilty
about going through with the procedure she will be emotionally and physically
scarred for life if she does this to herself. If the story went any further I
think she would not get the abortion.
In the Yellow Wallpaper she is not
allowed to write when her husband or the housekeeper are around. “She is
perfect and enthusiastic housekeeper, and hopes for no better profession. I
verily believe she thinks it is the writing which made me sick! But I write
when she is out, and see her along way off from there windows?” (Gillman pg.
319) Then she feels that if she was able to write freely without interruption,
she would feel better because it calms her soul. “I think sometimes that if I
were only well enough to write a little it would relieve the press of ideas and
rest of me.” (Gillman pg. 318)
In Hemingway’s, Hills Like White
Elephants the women are starting to get aggravated because Jig won’t stop
talking. I don’t feel anyway. I just know things. I don’t want you to do
anything that you don’t want to do. But you’ve got to realize. Can’t we maybe
stop talking? (Hemingway pg. 116) The song, the sound of silence by Simon and
Garfunkel, is a scary thing that can destroy a society without intelligent
activities come to the surface.
The theme of silence and silent
suffering was shown in both short stories with both characters going through
depression and being dehumanized. This is not a way to live without a voice or
choice in certain situations. To be able to express yourself and to make your
own choices in human right under democracy.
You’re alternate Reality
person’s perception of reality depends on the way they see the world. What they
see can differ from what others believe is true. Sometimes an individual can
lose their grasp of what is real and what is merely an illusion. In the play “A
Streetcar Named Desire” Blanche’s character lives in a dream world, and she
uses illusion, false appearances to deceive others. The movie “Shutter Island”
directed by Martin Scorsese has the same type of character with Teddy Daniels.
Like Blanche, Edward creates an illusion to hide from the real problems his is
dealing with. This façade that both characters create eventually leads to their
downfall. The significance of having to create an illusion is ironic because
this leads to a thin line between what is real and what is fantasy.
on Blanche starts to show little glimpses of her true self in the beginning of
the play. After Blanche arrives at her sister’s house, she is a nervous state.
It shows her wanting a drink right away, Blanche uses alcohol to drown her
sorrows. “No Coke, honey not with my nerves tonight!”(Tennessee Williams’s pg.
1169) Next Blanche tries to cover up her drinking problem, by denying it and
making excuses. “Blanche: Just water, to chase it! Now don’t get worried, your
sister hasn’t turned into a drunkard, she just all shaken up and hot and tired
and dirty!”(Tennessee Williams’s pg. 1169) Stella offers Blanche another drink
and she refuses it, but in reality she wants another. “Stella: Won’t you have
another? Blanche: No, one’s my limit. Stella: Sure?”(Tennessee Williams’s pg. 1170)
Stella knows her sister is hiding her obsession with alcohol. This creates her
illusion of being a good old fashioned girl with no problems and nothing to
light is another thing she hides from, the dark is more pleasant to her. She
also uses fancy clothes to create a life style she no longer lives. “Blanche:
You haven’t said anything about my appearance. Stella: You look just fine.
Blanche: God love you for a liar! Daylight never exposed so total a ruin! But
you- you’ve put on some weight, yes, you’re just as plump as a little
partridge! And it’s so becoming of you!”(Tennessee Williams’s pg. 1170) As you
see Blanche insults her sister’s appearance and this is a sign she is insincere
about her own looks. This is her way of coping with her false appearance by
pointing out other peoples flaws. “Blanche: Well-anyhow- I bought nice clothes
and I’ll wear them. I guess you’re hoping I say I’ll put up a hotel, but I’m
not going to put at a hotel. I want to be near you, got to be with somebody, I
can’t be alone! Because- as you must noticed- I’m- not very well.”(Tennessee
Williams’s pg. 1171) Blanche is in desperate need of belonging and she needs to
dress extremely well to impress her next romantic encounter. She needs someone
else to deceive so she can go on living a lie and fulfilling her fantasy.
“Stutter Island” Teddy Daniels is the fantasy Andrew Laeddeis creates to escape
the truth of what really happened to him. Andrew is a former federal marshal
from Boston, he is institutionalized in Ashecliffe a mental hospital for the
criminally insane for killing his wife Dolores. Andrew has been a patient at
Ashecliffe for two years and he hasn’t made much progress towards
rehabilitation. Every time Andrew makes a breakthrough it on lasts a short
while, he later on relapses and falls victim to his own delusions. Before his
current state in the movie, Andrew realized who he really was, this was nine
months prior to the events that took place.
Daniels is his other personality that Andrew creates to cope with his wife
murdering his three children and also his guilt of killing Dolores. Andrew in
reality wishes he arrived from work sooner that day to stop his wife from
drowning their three children. He also knew Dolores was losing her sense of
purpose and her mind moving closer to insanity. Andrew ignored all of the signs
and this lead to great tragedy. Teddy Daniels is a piece of his former self
when Andrew was a marshal. Teddy is investigating the disappearance of a
patient named Rachel Salando and he thinks Chuck is his partner aiding with the
search. Chuck is really his psychologist Dr. Lester Sheehan and he is going
along with his false persona to help guide Andrew back to reality. Dr. John
Cawley is the head doctor of the facility and he is letting Andrew conduct this
fake investigation in order to find the truth in his real self. Andrew is
completely delusional and his still thinks his is a real federal marshal, so
Teddy is his coping mechanism. When his searches the cell of Rachel Salando he
finds a loose floor board behind the bed and under that he finds a piece of
paper. Written on this paper is, “the law of 4, who is 67?” (Martin Scorsese)
He eventually is told what this paper really means by Dr. Cawley.
Teddy Daniels, he is given the run of the facility to uncover his theories of
the doctors undergoing experiments on patients to create ghosts from altering
the brain. Teddy also believes Laeddeis is the perpetrator who burned down his
apartment with his wife Dolores dying from the crime. The actual event that
took place was Dolores burning down the apartment where they first lived, this
was her way of escaping the suburbs. This was in order to be secluded by moving
to the country, by doing this Dolores feel more out of touch with her sanity.
So as Teddy he believes the real reason he was sent to Ashecliffe to find
Laeddeis and kill him.
game that Andrew creates to find the patient Rachel Salando is his way of
remembering why he is really on Shutter Island.
Eventually Teddy realizes he is Andrew after the scene in the lighthouse
where Chuck reveals that he is Dr. Sheehan. Dr. Cawley also tells Teddy he is
actually Andrew Laeddeis and Dolores Chanal is his wife. Rachel Salando and
Teddy Daniels are the anagrams of their names, which is the law of four. The
law of four, who is 67, is what Andrew has been trying to figure out during his
investigation. Andrew is patient 67 and this eventually set off some light
bulbs in his head.
next morning Andrew wakes up with Doctors Sheehan and Cawley standing over his
bed. They asked who he is, why he was there and who his wife is. The doctors
also asked if he was really back to his true self and not his false appearance
teddy. He admitted that he was Andrew Laeddeis, and he killed his wife Dolores.
He killed her because she drowned his three children and he created Teddy to
forget about his real life problems. The following day he has another relapse
and his calls Dr. Sheehan his partner named Chuck. Then he asks what they are
going to do next, which leads to Dr. Sheehan head motioning to Dr. Cawley that
nothing has changed. After this Andrew is lead away from Dr. Sheehan by the
orderly’s and Dr. Cawley to be given a lobotomy.
has similar characteristics to Teddy but on a smaller scale. Blanche needs
someone to escape with so she is trying to convince Stella to leave Stanley.
This is hear way of running away from her problems and living with her fantasy.
“Blanche: I have a plan for both of us, to get us both-out! You take it for
granted that I am in something that I want to get out of.”(Tennessee Williams’s
pg. 1197) Stella couldn’t deal with Blanche anymore. “Stella: I couldn’t
believe her story and go on living with Stanley.”(Tennessee Williams’s pg. 1232)
In the next page she takes about the millionaire from Dallas who doesn’t really
exist. She created this person to show she is wanted, but in reality she is all
finds out from a good source that Blanche is not who she really is and that she
was fired from her job in laurel because she slept with a student. This leads
to Mitch leaving Blanche and this eventually makes her lose her full sense of
hope and reality. Mitch wonders why Blanche never wants to go out in the
afternoon, this is because the light is the truth and darkness is her way of
hiding, by creating the illusion of glamorous façade. “Mitch: It is dark in
here. Blanche: I like the dark. The dark is comforting to me.”(Tennessee
Williams’s pg. 1223)
both situations Blanche and Teddy dealt with their fantasies in a different way
but they both ended up in separation from the others. Blanche ended up in the
mental hospital and Andrew was given a lobotomy to end his torment. The theme
of fantasy or reality was portrayed is these works of literature. Blanche and
Andrew created these fantasies to cope with their true selves. What would you
do in these situations, I leave that to imagination?
Reflection about the class
This has been a great semester in this class, I have learned a lot and enjoyed every ones company. As a writer I have matured by improving my skills through the grading rubric designed. I learned how to express myself better through my writing and I enjoyed every assignment. The fishbowls we have in class really helps all of us by bouncing ideas off of each other.
There were many things I liked about the class, but my favorite was your lectures. The ideas that truly resonated with me this semester was the theme of silence, I was able to relate to this because I have seen people suffer from the inside. If I had to take away something from this class and apply it to my life outside the classroom I would take my publish writings and this blog to use for my future profession.
As a thinker or writer in five years I see myself working in the sports field after I graduate from Farmingdale State College. I am looking to work for a sports team, or as an agent with a big firm. I also could work for sponsors that sell their product to the teams or I could work in operations for a sports team.
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